NOVEMBER 13, 2018
Moderator: The Reverend Aubrey Williamson (2020)
Assistant Moderator: The Reverend Jeff Daughtry (2020)
Clerk: Eva Ballance (2019)
Assistant Clerk: Carolyn Jernigan (2019)
Treasurer: The Reverend Brad Williamson (2020)
Member at Large: The Reverend Dr. Ken Benton (2019)
Aubrey Williamson, Jeff Daughtry, Eva Ballance,
Carolyn Jernigan, Brad Williamson, Ken Benton
Brad Barbour (2019) Jim Best (2020) Carlton Barefoot (2021)
Braxton Carter (2022) William “Corky” Herring (2023)
Doug Seymour (2019) Vicki Medlin (2020) Wayne Puckett (2021)
Martha Parsons (2022) Doris Johnson (2023)
Sam Weeks (2019) Joe Ballance (2020) Ricky Warren (2021)
Stephen Prescott (2022) Aubrey Williamson (2023)
(P – Present, A – Absent, E – Excused)
E Fred Baker
P Joe Ballance
P Ken Benton
P Cecil Blackmon
E Gene Britt
P John Butler
E Rayford Byrd
A Charlie Carroll
P Duane Casey
A Scott Casey
A Larry Coats
P Tod Creech
A Ken Dabbs
P Jeff Daughtry
E Wade Daughtry
A Jesse Fulcher
P Frank Grubbs
P Chris Hall
P Otis Hamm
P Frank Harrison
P William Herring
A Roger Hill
P Emmitt Jones
P Alan Lamm
P David Langley
E Donnie Massey
E Tony McLamb
E Vicki Medlin
P Joe Myrick
P Billy Nowell
P Charles Petit
P Dennis Pollock
P Stephen Prescott
E Alan Price
P Pete Radford
E Scott Satterfield
P Doug Seymour
E Elijah Smith
P Ricky Warren
P Sam Weeks
E Richard Whitman
P Aubrey Williamson
P Brad Williamson
P Carla Williamson
P Jacob Cottle
P Marci Rollins-Smart
E Eddie Mooring
E Kaye Ward
P Kevin Phillips
The One Hundred and Sixty-Fourth Annual Session of the Cape Fear Conference of Original Free Will Baptists (OFWB) convened at Snow Hill OFWB Church, Mount Olive, North Carolina on November 13, 2018. Moderator Aubrey Williamson welcomed everyone. Moderator Aubrey Williamson presented the program for adoption. Motion was made to accept the program for adoption. Motion carried.
The congregation opened in singing, “When We All Get to Heaven,” Hewitt, led by song leader, Penny Kornegay. Licensed Minister Jacob Cottle offered scripture and prayer from Philippians 4. The conference was welcomed by Bob Kornegay, a deacon from Snow Hill OFWB Church of Mount Olive. The response was heard from Rev. Chris Hall, pastor of Shady Grove OFWB Church.
Clerk Eva Ballance called the session to order. The rules of registration were then explained by Rev. William “Corky” Herring, Chair of the Credentials Committee, as adopted by the One Hundred Fourteenth Session of the Cape Fear Conference. Clerk Eva Ballance called the Roll of Officers and Standing Boards, Churches, and Ministers.
Motion was made to appoint the following Temporary Committees by Moderator Williamson. The motion carried.
Resolutions Committee: Chair Frank Grubbs, Carla Williamson, Chris Hall
Obituary Committee: Chair Sam Weeks, Connie Weeks
Credentials Committee: Chair William “Corky” Herring, John Butler,
Teresa Eason, Jeff Daughtry
Nominating Committee: Chair Doug Seymour, Frank Harrison
Parliamentarian: Ricky Warren
The Moderator recognized visiting ministers and guests. Rev. Jeff Daughtry recognized Wall of Honor recipients, Rev. Emmitt E. Jones and Rev. Frank Ray Harrison for their many years of service in ministry.
Moderator Aubrey Williamson offered words of encouragement to the conference from 1 Corinthians 13. His topic was, “Check Your Vitals.” It is important for us to check our vitals, both physically and spiritually. Most vital is to have love one to another. We abide in faith, hope, and charity (love), but of these, love is the greatest.
Motion was made to receive the written report of the Executive Committee as information. Motion carried.
The moderator recognized Rev. Ronnie Hobgood, President of the Convention, who reported from the Convention. He introduced Rev. Gary Bailey, Director of Convention Services of the Original Free Will Baptists, who introduced the denominational ministry representatives. Representatives from our denominational ministries were present and given an opportunity to speak on the behalf of each ministry. The following ministries were represented: OFWB International – Rev. Harold Jones, FWB Children’s Home – Gary Lee, Minister’s Program – Rev. Doug Seymour, Retirement Home Ministry – Rev. Ronnie Taylor, Home Missions & Evangelism – Rev. Franklin Baggett, Ministry of Christian Education – Gail Heath, Free Will Baptist Press – Rev. John Hill, and University of Mount Olive – Dr. David Poole. Moderator Aubrey Williamson recognized Rev. Dr. Ricky Warren for a report from the N.C. Foundation for Christian Ministries. Rev. Dr. Brad Williamson provided a report from the Ministerial Association of OFWB. He recognized Rev. Al Warrick who encouraged becoming a member of The Covenant – Pastoral Leadership Institute, which equips pastors to be effective leaders while serving in the Free Will Baptist Church. He acknowledged the importance of planting churches.
The Morning Worship Service began with singing, “Holy, Holy, Holy,” Heber. An offering was received and the offertory prayer was given by Rev. Mark Hobbs. Special music was provided by Mrs. Penny Kornegay and Mrs. Kerry Mozingo. Rev. Mark Hobbs, pastor of Snow Hill OFWB Church of Mount Olive, brought the morning message, “I Want to Live Again.” He opened his message with a personal testimony. His scripture reading was taken from 1 Kings 17, expressing the importance of sharing the gospel as we are called. We are people of faith, yet we cannot share the Word without Him residing in you. We need to share the Gospel and let God do the rest. He concluded with five points if you are called. It should be a privilege, a pleasure, a plight, a prayer of our life, and a purpose. Rev. Mark Hobbs prayed the closing prayer for the morning session and prayed the blessing on the meal. The conference recessed for lunch.
Moderator Aubrey Williamson called the session to order. The afternoon session began with the congregation singing, “Blessed Assurance,” Crosby, led by song leader Penny Kornegay. Scripture from Psalm 146 and prayer were offered by Licensed Minister Marci Rollins Smart.
The following reports of Standing Boards were received by the conference (see attached reports of the Standing Boards). Rev. Doug Seymour gave the Blended Fellowship Missions report. Rev. Dr. Ricky Warren gave the Ordaining Council report. Rev. Joe Ballance gave the report of the Minister’s Association. The Board of Christian Education report was given by Martha Parsons. Moderator Aubrey Williamson asked for a motion to receive the Standing Board reports by acclamation. Motion carried.
The following reports of the Temporary Committees were received (see attached reports of the Temporary Committees). The Resolutions Committee presented one resolution. Motion was made to accept this resolution. Motion carried. Motion was made to receive the Credentials Report as information. Motion carried. The Nominating Committee made its recommendations to the conference. The floor was opened to receive nominees. There being no nominations from the floor, the list of candidates were elected by acclamation. The Obituary Committee reported no one had passed during the previous year. Rev. Dr. Sam Weeks read scripture from II Timothy 4:6 and closed with prayer. Motion was made to adopt the report. Motion carried.
The conference then moved into its business session. The Treasurer’s Report was given by Treasurer Brad Williamson and was received by motion (see attached report). There was one item of new business. Motion was made for the Cape Fear Conference to give $500.00 to The Covenant – Pastoral Leadership Institute. Motion carried. A motion was made to send a card of appreciation to Peyton Lee for his many years of service as song leader of the conference. The 165th Annual Session of the Cape Fear Conference will be held at Robert’s Grove OFWB Church of Dunn on Tuesday, November 12, 2019.
Motion carried to adjourn the 164th Session of the Cape Fear Conference and the conference was dismissed with prayer by Rev. Carla Williamson.
Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Aubrey Williamson, Moderator
Eva Ballance, Clerk
164th Annual Session of the Cape Fear Conference
The Cape Fear Conference Executive Committee met at Yelverton Grove OFWB Church on January 25, 2018 at 7:00 P.M. Members present were Aubrey Williamson, Frank Grubbs, Brad Williamson, Eva Ballance, and Jeff Daughtry. Moderator Aubrey Williamson prayed the opening prayer and gave the devotion from Matthew 5:3-16.
Moderator Aubrey Williamson welcomed the newest Executive Committee member, Jeff Daughtry, member-at-large.
The minutes of the 163rd Annual Session of the Cape Fear Conference of the OFWB held at Shady Grove OFWB Church in Dunn, NC on November 14, 2017 were reviewed. Motion was made to approve the minutes as corrected (MSP).
It was requested that the clerk send a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws to Rev. Dr. Brad Williamson and Rev. Jeff Daughtry.
Treasurer Brad Williamson gave the Treasurer’s Report. Balance is $4,802.20 of which $1,800.00 is in the Education Fund. Motion made to accept the Treasurer’s Report (MSP).
Old business discussed was the Executive Committee of the Cape Fear Conference, serving as the mission board of the Conference, needed to meet with Blended Fellowship Mission/Ministry. Motion was made to request a written financial report and status of the mission from Blended Fellowship Mission/Ministry (MSP).
New business was discussion of the mid-year Fellowship Meeting. It was decided to contact Riverside OFWB Church to host the conference, provide food and a program. An alternative location discussed was Casey’s Chapel OFWB Church, contacting Tom Casey to provide an evening of music. Two dates suggested to consider for the mid-year Fellowship Meeting were April 19, 2018 and May 3, 2018.
Retirement age for ministry was discussed. It was decided that when a minister retires from active pastoral duties, he or she will be recognized as retired and marked excused for the annual meeting (MSP).
Motion was made to adjourn (MSP). Rev. Jeff Daughtry prayed the closing prayer.
The Cape Fear Conference Executive Committee met at Yelverton Grove OFWB Church on August 30, 2018 at 6:30 P.M. Members present were Aubrey Williamson, Frank Grubbs, Eva Ballance, Carolyn Jernigan and Jeff Daughtry. Moderator Aubrey Williamson gave the devotion from 1 John 1:1-3 and Frank Grubbs prayed the opening prayer.
The minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting from January 25, 2018 were reviewed. Motion was made to adopt the report (MSP).
The Treasurer’s Report was presented. Balance is $3,002.20 of which $0 is in the Education Fund. Motion made to receive the Treasurer’s Report (MSP).
Old business was the Executive Committee of the Cape Fear Conference, serving as the mission board of the Conference, reviewed the financial reports provided by Blended Fellowship Mission/Ministry. Motion was made to accept the reports as presented by Blended Fellowship Mission/Ministry (MSP). Blended Fellowship is asked to provide an annual financial report, including income and expenses, to the Executive Committee at the conference meeting in November each year.
New business involved the planning of the 164th Annual Meeting of the Cape Fear Conference. Aubrey Williamson will contact Snow Hill OFWB Church for music support. The Wall of Honor recipient was discussed. It was noted that the 165th Annual Meeting of the Cape Fear Conference will be held at Robert’s Grove OFWB Church with the Rev. Dr. Ricky Warren bringing the message in 2019.
Motion was made to adjourn (MSP). Eva Ballance prayed the closing prayer.
Blended Fellowship Mission Report
164th Cape Fear Conference of Original Free Will Baptists
On behalf of the Blended Fellowship family, thank you for all you have done and continue to do to support the work we believe God has called us to do. We continue to minister to Deaf people and their families through our three major programs: SD, FACES and QLI. SD deals with spiritual development and is foundational to everything else we do. The services we provide to Deaf clients provide opportunities for us to interject Christ into every situation. Our weekly blended worship opportunities are planned specifically to allow deaf and hearing family members to grow in Christ together. Our FACES (Family Awareness and Communication Enhancement Services) program works to prevent Language Deprivation Syndrome in deaf children. We offer classes, one-on-one training and instructional videos for hearing parents and other hearing family members to teach them American Sign Language. We also resolve conflicts that arise within blended families due to communication problems. The QLI program, which deals with quality of life improvement, continues to provide assistance with food, clothing, housing, transportation, medical needs, financial management and basically any basic needs of day to day living, as well as providing volunteer work opportunities for the Deaf. An example of QLI in action is the Christmas in July campaign. Many of you supported that effort this year. In fact, we received enough donated items that we won’t need to do our usual campaign this December. Thank you for your generosity!
The renovations to our facility are almost complete. Thank you so much for your part in making that possible. The building inspector has completed his final inspection and given us permission to use that part of the building. However, there are still some areas that need flooring, paint, etc. before we make full use of it. We will complete these areas as funds become available. This year has included some ups and downs. On the down side, we lost some of our key volunteers, which has put more workload on those who remain. We were forced to cancel some of our major events. We are currently seeking volunteers to help keep the work moving forward. If you, or others you know, have some time available to come work with us on short term projects, we have plenty of opportunities.
On the positive side, we have seen doors opening for us into the world of Deaf culture. For example, we were blessed to have several influential Christian Deaf leaders come from various parts of North Carolina to share with our group. These men of God drew large groups of Deaf people to worship with us and some of them have become regular attendees. This is more significant than I have time to explain to you today, but is an answer to years of prayer. Also, we are starting a brand new event next year called Blended Live. Many of you have expressed your desire to come worship with us, but your responsibilities at your own church prevent you from doing so. Blended Live will take place on certain Sunday afternoons at 4:00 pm. Our signing choir, Blended Hands, is not physically able to come to you as we once did, but if you can come to us, they will be performing. We also plan to invite special guest speakers or groups or sometimes entire church congregations to come worship with us. We are also promoting these events to the local community and we’re expecting some absolutely wonderful times shared together! Right now, we are planning these as mostly once a month events and the first one will be January 13 at 4:00 pm at Blended Fellowship. We would love for you to be there and help us kick off this new event with a packed house!
Lastly, I want to make you aware that over the past few years our expenses have gradually increased. During that time, the contributions we receive have mostly stayed the same and, in a few cases, have lessened. We are not self-supporting and we depend on support from outside our congregation to survive. Please continue to stand with us and consider an increase to your monthly or annual support. We need this increase to stay in the black. Please be assured that every effort is made to stretch each gift as far as possible. Thank you again for all you have done and continue to do in support of Blended Fellowship. We are thankful and proud to be a part of the Cape Fear Conference.
Respectfully submitted,
Doug Seymour
Blended Fellowship Mission/Ministry
Report of the Board of Ordination
164th Annual Session of the Cape Fear Conference
I) November 14, 2017 – The Ordaining Board met briefly during the Annual Cape Fear Conference held at Shady Grove Church in Newton Grove, North Carolina on Tuesday, November 14, 2017. Members present were Sam Weeks, Aubrey Williamson, Joe Ballance, and Ricky Warren. (a) Jacob Cottle appeared before the board to report that he had become a member in good standing at Lee’s Chapel OFWB Church. The Reverend Brad Williamson, the pastor of Lee’s Chapel, was present and reported that the church had voted to recommend Mr. Cottle for licensure. A motion was made and seconded to approve Jacob Cottle for licensure. (b) The Reverend Aubrey Williamson reported that a letter had been received from The Reverend Clarence Privette stating that he was stepping down as a minister in the Cape Fear Conference. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
- II) January 22, 2018 – The Ordaining Board met on January 22, 2018 at Smithfield First FWB Church. Those present were Aubrey Williamson, Joe Ballance, Sam Weeks, Stephen Prescott, and Ricky Warren. The meeting opened with prayer and then extended a welcome to Brother Prescott as a new member of the Ordaining Board. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Kevin Phillips, a licensed minister serving at Riverside Church, appeared before the board. Brother Phillips reported good progress toward fulfilling his ordination requirements and reported that things were going well at Riverside Church. A motion was made, seconded and approved to extend his approval to server at Riverside for another ninety days. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
III) April 23, 2018 – The Ordaining Board met on April 23, 2018 at Smithfield First FWB Church. Those present were Aubrey Williamson, Joe Ballance, Sam Weeks, Stephen Prescott, and Ricky Warren. The meeting opened with prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. a) Aubrey Williamson reported that Gary Bailey had resigned from Goldsboro First but would continue in the ministry and wished to retain his ordination credentials with the Cape Fear Conference. b) Kevin Phillips, a licensed minister serving at Riverside Church, appeared before the board. Brother Phillips reported good progress toward fulfilling his ordination requirements and reported that things were going well at Riverside Church. A motion was made, seconded and approved to extend his approval to serve at Riverside for another ninety days. c) Jimmy Price appeared before the board and stated that he was a member at Riverside Church and that he was willing to help Brother Kevin Phillips with his work there. Since Brother Jimmy was once an ordained minister in the Cape Fear Conference and is now ordained in another denomination, he stated he was willing to release his current ordination credentials and be reinstated as an ordained minister in the Cape Fear Conference. Upon the presentation and surrender of his outside ordination credentials, a motion was made, seconded, and approved that Brother Jimmy Price be issued a new ordination certificate as a minister in the Cape Fear Conference. d) Jacob Cottle appeared before the board and said he was licensed by Lee’s Chapel Church on Jan. 14, 2018 and that his church membership is now at Lee’s Chapel. Brother Jacob was advised of the requirements for ordination and provided with a study guide by email. e) David Thomas appeared before the board and stated that he was currently filling in at Pleasant Plain FWB Church in Western Conference, but he would like to be ordained in the Cape Fear so that he might be called to serve as pastor at Wooten’s Chapel in the Cape Fear Conference. Brother David was made aware of the board’s credential exchange policy and informed that he would need to become a member of Wooten’s Chapel before beginning the process. A motion made, seconded, and approve for Brother David Thomas to serve for ninety days at Wooten’s Chapel if the church desired to call him. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
- IV) July 23, 2018 – The Ordaining Board met on July 23, 2018 at Smithfield First FWB Church. Those present were Aubrey Williamson, Joe Ballance, Sam Weeks, Stephen Prescott, and Ricky Warren. The meeting opened with prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. a) David Thomas appeared before the Board and reported on his progress filling the pulpit at Wooten’s Chapel. He stated that the work was going well, and he presented a letter from Wooten’s Chapel verifying that he had begun the membership process there. A motion was made, seconded and approved to begin the credential exchange process with Brother David Thomas and to extend his approval to serve at Wooten’s Chapel for another ninety days. b) Kevin Phillips, a licensed minister serving at Riverside Church, appeared before the board. Brother Phillips reported good progress toward fulfilling his ordination requirements and reported that things were going well at Riverside Church. A motion was made, seconded and approved to extend his approval to serve at Riverside for another ninety days. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
- V) September 24, 2018 – The Ordaining Board met on September 24, 2018 at Smithfield First FWB Church. Those present were Aubrey Williamson, Joe Ballance, Sam Weeks, Stephen Prescott, and Ricky Warren. The meeting opened with prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. a) Kevin Phillips, a licensed minister serving at Riverside Church, appeared before the board. Brother Phillips reported good progress toward fulfilling his ordination requirements and reported that things were going well at Riverside Church. Motion was made, seconded and approved to extend his approval to serve at Riverside for another ninety days. b) David Thomas appeared before the Board and reported on his progress on his filling the pulpit at Wooten’s Chapel as a supply minister for a ninety-day term. He reported good progress toward fulfilling his ordination requirements and reported that things were going well at Wooten’s Chapel. Brother David was asked to bring a verification letter from Wooten’s Chapel stating that his membership process had been completed. Motion was made, seconded and approved to extend his approval to serve at Wooten’s Chapel for another ninety days. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Aubrey Williamson, Chairperson
Rev. Dr. Ricky Warren, Secretary
Rev. Joe Ballance
Rev. Stephen Prescott
Rev. Dr. Sam Weeks
The Report of the Minister’s Association
164th Cape Fear Conference of Original Free Will Baptists
During the past year, the Cape Fear Minister’s Association met for three informative meetings. There are thirty ministers on roll with an average attendance of fifteen ministers at each meeting. All of the meetings were held at the First Free Will Baptist Church in Smithfield. Noon meals were served after each meeting and were graciously provided by Rev. Vicki Medlin.
On April 23, 2018, there was a presentation on church growth and renewal through Outreach, which was led by Rev. Jeff Daughtry and Rev. Al Warrick. Discussion followed their presentation. At the meeting on July 23, 2018, Mrs. Gail Heath, Director of Christian Education Ministry, presented a program on the M28 Ministry. On September 24, 2018 the Dr. Frankie Baggett, Interim Director of Home Missions gave us the updated report from Home Missions.
Devotion was given and prayer was offered for all prayer requests at each meeting. Cape Fear Conference Ministers and Licensed Ministers are invited to attend the Cape Fear Minister’s Association meetings, which are held on the Monday before fifth Sunday throughout the year. Our next meeting will be held on Monday December 3rd. If you are not attending these meetings, we encourage you to consider joining us. It is an excellent opportunity to fellowship with each other and gain knowledge about different aspects of ministry.
Respectfully submitted,
Reverend Joe Ballance, Secretary/Treasurer
Christian Board of Education Report
164th Cape Fear Conference of Original Free Will Baptists
The Board of Christian Education Committee met on June 29, 2018 to review the applications received for scholarships. Thirteen applications from thirteen churches were received for consideration. One applicant received a $500.00 scholarship and the other twelve applicants received $100.00 each.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Parsons, Chairperson
Resolutions Committee
164th Cape Fear Conference of Original Free Will Baptists
Whereas, Snow Hill OFWB Church has been a gracious host of the 164th Session of the Cape Fear Conference,
Now therefore, be it resolved that the Conference give a rising vote of thanks to the congregation and pastor Mark Hobbs of Snow Hill OFWB Church for the outstanding music, preaching, meal, and overall hospitality.
Resolution adopted
Humbly submitted by the Resolutions Committee,
Chairperson Rev. Frank Grubbs, Rev. Carla Williamson, Rev. Chris Hall
Credentials Committee
164th Cape Fear Conference of Original Free Will Baptists
Present at the One Hundred and Sixty-Fourth Annual Session of Cape Fear Conference are as follows:
Ministers 27
Licensed Ministers 2
Officers 1
Delegates 17
Visitors and Visiting Ministers 23
Total 70
Respectfully submitted,
Chairperson Rev. William “Corky” Herring, Rev. John Butler, Teresa Eason, Rev. Jeff Daughtry
Nominating Committee
164th Cape Fear Conference of Original Free Will Baptists
The Nominating Committee submitted the following to serve the conference:
Executive Committee – Moderator (2020): Aubrey Williamson
Assistant Moderator (2020): Jeff Daughtry
Treasurer (2020): Brad Williamson
Member at Large (2019): Ken Benton
Member of the Board of Trustees – (2023): William “Corky” Herring
Member of the Board of Education – (2023): Doris Johnson
Member of the Ordaining Board – (2023): Aubrey Williamson
Respectfully submitted,
Chairperson Rev. Doug Seymour, Rev. Frank Harrison
Cape Fear Conference Treasurer’s Report
164th Cape Fear Conference of Original Free Will Baptists
Balance From November 1, 2017 $2,930.69
2017 Conference Offering $ 209.71
2017 Conference Church Dues $4,900.00
2017 Church Dues since Conference $300.00
2017 Fellowship Meeting Dues $200.00
2018 Fellowship Meeting Dues $700.00
2018 Conference Church Dues $200.00
Designated gift for Blended Fellowship Mission $800.00
Total $7,309.71
Total to account for in Checking Account $10,240.40
Conference Expense $610.78
North Carolina Foundation for Christian Ministries $1,200.00
Foreign Missions $713.71
Home Missions $713.71
Convention of OFWB (Report Book) $300.00
Convention of OFWB (Delegates)
Convention of OFWB (Wall of Honor) $1,500.00
Education Scholarships $1,800.00
Blended Fellowship Designated Gifts $800.00
Miscellaneous $600.00
MAOFWB Pastoral Leadership Institute / Jennifer Merritt Honorarium
Total Disbursements $8,238.20
Total in Checking account as of October 31, 2018 $2,002.20
(Out of this balance $0.00.00 is in the Education Fund)
Formula for disbursement of Conference Dues and Offerings:
Missions = 25% (half to Foreign and half to Home)
Christian Education Fund = 20%
Conference and other expenses = 55%
Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Dr. Brad Williamson, Treasurer