The Businesses and Churches listed on this page have been very faithful in their support of Original Free Will Baptist activities. From concerts to golf tournaments, holiday gifts or annual contributions, these institutions have offered their best to the OFWB family and we hope you will support them with your patronage, yours prayers and your thanks.
You are the reason these family-centered events are possible.
Click on the Logos to visit their website.
516 S. William Hooker Drive, Hookerton, NC 28538
Phone (252) 747-2089 Fax (252) 747-2734
Hours M-F 8:00 to 5:00
Appointments and walk-ins accepted
Board Certified Providers
Donald Ribeiro, MD (owner & medical director) David Baker, III, MD
Sarah Davis, FNP-C Meredith Harper, FNP-C
Primary and Urgent Care Industrial Medicine
Comprehensive medical care Drug and alcohol testing
Worker’s Compensation injuries On site lab, EKG, & x-ray
Certified MRO & BAT services Minor surgical procedures
Physicals (annual, school, sports, DOT)
Marsh Swamp OFWB Church
Smithfield First OFWB Church
Elm Grove OFWB Church
May’s Chapel OFWB Church
If you are a business owner or an individual that would like to be a part of future Family Concert Events featuring such great artists at The Hoppers, Jeff and Sheri Easter, The Martin’s, The Isaacs, Ivan Parker, Steve Ladd, Mark Lowry, Jeannie Robertson and more…
Contact the OFWB Convention office at 919-299-4553 for more information.